GEOGRAPH Admin Accounts
Each organization should have at least one administrator account set up. If you do not have an administrator account already, please follow the instructions in this article to request one.
Once the administrator account has been set up, the organization's license administrator will have the ability to add users, edit user details such as title and phone number, and assign or rescind licenses.
Admin App:
1. In the Organization Tab, the administrator will be able to see an overview of the available users, licenses, and edit the details of the organization.
* Inactive (in the Users block) means that the user has not logged in for 30 days.
2. In the Users Tab, the administrator will be able to add new users, edit details of the users such as title or contact information, and assign licenses to users.
Inviting new users will send an invitation email to them to start the process of creating their own user account. You will have the option when inviting a user to assign administrator privileges to their account.
Once invited, a new user will receive an email with a link to create a new GEOGRAPH account. If they do not receive the email, please check the email spam folder. The email should look similar to the one below.
Once the new user has clicked on “Create My User Account”, they will be directed to the screen below where they can fill out their account information.
After accepting the terms and conditions, and clicking “Sign up”, they will receive another email with a link to verify their email by clicking on the button “Confirm Email Address”. After their email is confirmed, you will be able to see them in your organization's user list assign a license to their account.
Click the ellipsis on the far right of a given row to access additional options. These include View Details, Edit Licenses, Unassign Admin Access, and Remove User.
Removing a user will automatically release the license so it can be assigned to a different user. There's no need to unassign the license first.
3. In the Licenses Tab, license assignments can be viewed and edited for all users.
- To assign a license to a user's account, click the checkbox next to the product you want to assign
- In the resulting window, click the user's name and then the assign button.
- To assign a license to a user's account, click the checkbox next to the product you want to assign
- To unassign a license from a user's account, click the checkbox next to the product you want to remove
In the resulting window, click the user's name and then the unassign button.
4. Each user can now open an instance of ArcMap and may be prompted to sign in using the username/email and password that they set up in Step 3.
5. If the user was not prompted to sign in automatically, they may manually sign in and out by selecting the CrescentLink dropdown and choosing the appropriate option.
Note: If the CrescentLink Toolbar is not present, complete Steps 9 & 10 first
6. Next, ensure the CrescentLink Version 5.0 extension has been activated:
From the main menu items along the top of your ArcMap window, select Customize -> Extensions -> and ensure there is a check next to CrescentLink v5.0
7. Also, make sure the CrescentLink Toolbars have been activated:
From the main menu items along the top of your ArcMap window, select Customize ->Toolbars -> and ensure there is a check next to CrescentLink vX.x.x and CrescentLink vX.x.x Work Order
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